1937 1938 Cadillac 4-Door Sedan (See Details) Front Door Rubber Weatherstrip Set With Clips REPRODUCTION Free Shipping In The USA



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REPRODUCTION. This is a door edge rubber weatherstrip set. This part is the primary door to body weatherstrip. Includes the seal for the door opening, sides and top and the bottom seal which is held by metal track or clips. Includes fasteners. This set will do 2 doors.


1 7-Foot Door Bottom Weatherstrip

1 22-Foot Primary Door Weatherstrip

70 Door Edge Weatherstrip Clips

20 Door Bottome Weatherstrip Clips


1937 Cadillac 4-Door Sedan Models EXCEPT Series 85 And Series 90

1938 Cadillac LaSalle Series 50, Series 61, and Series 65 4-Door Sedan Models ONLY

1937 1938 Cadillac 4-Door Sedan (See Details) Front Door Rubber Weatherstrip Set With Clips REPRODUCTION Free Shipping In The USA